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Date Posted:07/08/2017 14:45 PMCopy HTML

~ PD PSP Tutorial ~
Creating a Ground Surface for your Tube

In this tutorial I am going to show you how I achieve the ground surface effect in the tag above that you all keep asking me about. You will be using the effect "Enamel" which you already have in your psp effects. I also use the filter dsb flux so if you don't have that filter you may want to get it before you begin this tut.

If you prefer not to install another filter I'm sure there is probably another tool in psp that may give you a siimilar effect. I can't tell you which one because I have always had and used dsb flux blast and have had no reason to experiment with other tools to get a similar effect.

Ok..lets get started...

Make a new layer just above your last background layer and activate your airbrush tool.

Below are the settings I used for my airbrush. At this point you should pick the color you want to use. I usually use a darker color like black or a dark green, blue, etc. because it will become lighter as you work with it and you can also play with the layer opacity when you are finished to lighten it more if you want to.


Now spray a line of color on the layer you created where you want your finished surface to lie. I started with 45 (size can vary depending on what you want). I also changed the size to 30 and applied another smaller short burst of color to each side. I like to do this because it keeps my finished surface from appearing too square looking. Try not to make your line too long because when you apply the blast it will extend the line further.


Now go to Effects > Artistic Effects > Enamel...


Below are the settings I used for the Enamel effect....


Use these settings and click OK. At this point we have our enamel effect applied. Your surface layer should now look similar to the one below...


Now go to Effects > Plug Ins >  dsb flux > blast...


Apply the dsb flux > blast with the settings shown below and click OK.  I find that applying it with these settings 3 times to the left and 3 times to the right usually does the trick...but again, it's up to you. Play around with it till you like the look of it. I should mention that after I applied blast 3 times in both directions I also lowered my opacity on my surface layer to about 88%.


 Well, thats it! We are finished and your surface should look similar to the one shown in the screenshot below...


I hope you enjoyed my little tut. Now you know another one of my secrets. If I keep giving away my secrets I may have to come up with some new ones just to keep some of the originality of my tags I hope you have fun playing around with this little technique. I always hope that on rare occasions when I take the time to write a tutorial that it will inspire each individual to use their imagination and come up with some new techniques of their own.

If you try this little tut please post your results here.
I would love to see them...ty.

Hugs, Patricia

This was an original PD PSP Tutorial written by me, Patricia Doyle. 
Any similarities to other tutorials is purely coincedental.


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