Open a new image 500 x 500
Floodfill with white
Select the tube you wish to use and pick a dark colour as your foreground colour and a light colour as the fill colour for your colour pallette.
Select your preset shape tool and set to rectangle with a border set to 10
Draw out a square to fill about two thirds of your canvas
Add a drop shadow of your choice
Duplicate this layer
Make the lower layer active and add a guassion blur of 10
This will make a coloured blur show around your shape
Copy your tube and paste as a new layer above the top rectangle
Place a little to the right of the rectangle
Duplicate this layer
Move the duplicate layer to the left (this should be above the other copy)
Add a drop shadow to this layer
Make active the first layer beneath this
Now resize image larger until it fills the square and on your layer pallette change mode to Luminance legacy
Lower the opacity of this layer to 30%
Make sure you save your PSP image regularly through the tut
Now back to your preset shape tool
Close off the background layer and change the foreground to diamonds size 4
Draw a rectangle around your first rectangle
Now type some text on top of your image to fit the rectangle - convert to raster
Type text layer and rotate them to go around your tag
Add your name and copyrights
Save as a jpeg and show it off
Hugs Jennie
Artwork copyright Patricia Doyle
Background by JJDezignz