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PSP tips/tricks
backgrounds by Neenee
Color Palette
...left clicking your mouse controls the foreground color and right clicking controls the background color
Load PSP8 like PSP7
...you can load the workspace in PSP8 to look almost exactly like your old PSP7's workspace if you are more comfortable with that- just go to File, Workspace, Load and click on Paint Shop Pro 7, Load
Straight Lines
...to get a nice straight line with any of your painting tools, click the mouse on your canvas at the starting point-hit your shift key, lift up the mouse and click it at the next point and your straight line will appear - this is great to use for making tails on your cats and mice if it's hard for you to 'draw' a tail - or if you need to draw a flower stem that curves - where-ever you place your mouse the line will follow! neat trick!
Save Paint Settings, etc
...you can save your favorite settings for effects like smudge and spraypaint - once you have your settings adjusted, click on the presets option for that particular tool - a small rectangular box will open - in the upper right corner is a blue 'TV' like icon - click on that- give your preset a name and click OK - the next time you need that setting- instead of resetting the shapes, sizes, steps, etc- just click on the preset - locate the one you need and presto- you're set to go!
Perfect Circles
...when using the ellipse preset shape- to get a perfect circle, hold down the shift key while drawing it
... you can open a pattern in PSP, minimize it , and open your pattern/color palette tool, scroll to the very top, and that pattern will be there for you to flood fill with or use as foreground/background colors..once you close that image out- it will no longer be in the pattern/color tool. This eliminates having dozens and dozens of patterns installed
Uninstalled Fonts
... you can do the same thing with uninstalled fonts- open the folder where you keep them ( I have made a folder for just this purpose in my documents) open the font, minimize and it will now be available within the text tool- remember, once you close out the font, it will no longer be available
Textured Patterns
...you can make your own textured pattern- choose an image that you like-go to Image, Greyscale, and save as .bmp in your textures folder
SprayPainting - Easy Trick
...when spraypainting an image around it's border or inside, if you click on the 'lock' on the layer palette, it will keep the 'overspray' from going onto your canvas - it really works! no tedious cleanups!