Okey let me try to make this a little easier.
I am so sorry--but I'm working on a laptop and it won't let me take screen
shot -- I know bummer.!!
In paint shop open a 616x500 transparent raster layer.
1.open the fence png - copy and paste as a new layer on your transparent
2.open the grass png - copy and paste as a new layer on your transparent
3.move your grass so its covering the bottom of your fence..Making sure you
leave enough top space for your text and bug.
Add your watermark
4.Right click and merge visable
5. open the bugs image - with the lasso tool draw around the bug you like.
copy and paste as a new layer on your fence/grass image.
6.Depending on which bug you are using -- we need to resize it..I resized
the butterfly 50% - make sure all layers is not checked
7.now we need to rotate it a bit -- image = free rotate
on my bug -- I went
direction = right
free = dotted = 35.00
all layers / rotate single blah/blah == no check
8.adjust = sharpeness = sharpen more
9. move your bug to the upper right hand corner.
10. lets start on line curve.
11. get your pen tool
mode = draw freehand
tracking = 10
create on vector
line style = click on the drop down arror and find Dashed line - - - -
width = 1.00
Anti-alias = checked
12.on your color chart = foreground color black
background color = null
13.okey time to draw our line.
on your image layer - with your pen tool place it where you want your text
to start...I started mine on the pink tulip lower lefthand corner.
left click on your mouse and hold it down -- draw a curving line up to the
release you mouse key.
14. get your text tool.
font = brockscript
size = 22 units = pixels
anti-alias = smooth
stroke = 1.0
create as = floating
Yes you have a box around your curve line
foreground color == black -- or your choice
background color = null
place your mouse arrow on the beginning of your curve line...it will turn
into a + with an A and a rocker under the A
Line the + center of the line.,and click your text box will come up,type in
your saying,give a space or two and repeat the saying,keep repeating until
your curve line is filled with your saying..click the apply
Add a new raster layer, drag it under the text layer. Select none
your text should not have the marching ants around it now and should be on
the new raster layer we just added.
Okey -- now that vector layer we have our curve line on -- well I just
delete it as we don't really need it.
+*+WHEWWWW time for a break -- but remember to save your work if you take
15.Now comes the part of duplicating - erasing - merging
(( X out the fence and grass layer ))
we have our hello Friends going 5 times on our line -- so we need to
duplicate that text line until we have 5 of them.Renaming them ( text 1 )
text 2 and so on.
now find your bug on your layer pallet and move it up so it is the top
duplicate it until you also have 5 layers of the bug,,naming them bug 1 and
so on.
X out bugs 2 3 4 5 -- by doing this its easier to move the bugs where you
want to place them on your text.
move bug 1 to the left hand corner -- down where your text starts out of
the tulip. I set mine right on my tulip.
ok now un x bug 2 and place it where you want...continue doing this until
you have all 5 bugs showing.
16. Time to start erasing and merging the text and bugs.
X out bugs 2 3 4 5
x out text 2 3 4 5
you should have text 1 and bug 1 showing.
get the eraser tool
I set mine to a size 40 to make sure I get all the bits and pieces of the
**Make sure all your other layers are closed out except for bug 1 and text
Starting in the upper right hand corner -- erase all the text -- except
for text 1
on your layer pallett - right click and merge visable -- bug 1 and text 1
should be on the same layer now.
rename as bug-text 1 and close it out
UN X text 2 and bug 2 -- make text 2 the active layer
Starting in the upper right hand corner -- erase all the text -- except
for text 2
you should have the bug2 and text 1 and 2 showing.
on your layer pallett - right click and merge visable -- bug 2 and text 2
should be on the same layer now.
rename as bug-text 2 and close it out
UN X text 3 and bug 3 -- make text 3 the active layer
Starting in the upper right hand corner -- erase all the text -- except
for text 3
you should have the bug3 and text 1-2-and 3 showing.
on your layer pallett - right click and merge visable -- bug 3 and text 3
should be on the same layer now.
rename as bug-text 3 and close it out
repeat these same instruction for bug 4 and text 4
don't forget to rename it and then close it out
on bug 5 and text 5 - right click and merge visable
17.Okay let make these bugs and text fly.
open animation shop.
*back in psp..
make your fence layer the active layer
un x the fence layer and bug and text 1 layer
click on the top of your tag -- right click -- copy merged -- carry it into
animation and paste as a new animation
*back in psp
close out text and bug 1
un X text and bug 2
click on the top of your tag -- right click -- copy merged -- carry it into
animation and paste after current frame
*back in psp
close out text and bug 2
un X text and bug 3
click on the top of your tag -- right click -- copy merged -- carry it into
animation and paste after current frame
*back in psp
close out text and bug 3
un X text and bug 4
click on the top of your tag -- right click -- copy merged -- carry it into
animation and paste after current frame
*back in psp
close out text and bug 4
un X text and bug 5
click on the top of your tag -- right click -- copy merged -- carry it into
animation and paste after current frame
in animation go up to edit and select all
now go up to animation -- frame properties -- and set them at 42
Left click on frame 1
go up to animation -- frame properties -- and set this frame at 110
Left click on frame 5
go up to animation -- frame properties -- and set this frame at 110
go back up to edit and select all
then go to veiw -- animation.
if happy with your results.
go to file and save as -- name your tag and save as a gif file.
YAY we are done.